From Levy's view, people have the possibility to choose from among different alternatives. What do customers value the most when buying a product (Hanna's comment: Though, to answer the question of what people value the most when buying a product [or brand] the "correct" alternative ought to be reformulated)?

From Levy's view, people have the possibility to choose from among different alternatives. What do customers value the most when buying a product (Hanna's...

In the article Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-oriented Research tool (Harley, 1968) it is stated that it is difficult to generalize types of benefit segments. However, a few types of segments that have appeared in two ore more studies are brought up. Which of those segment fits with the following definition:

In the article Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-oriented Research tool (Harley, 1968) it is stated that it is difficult to generalize types of benefit...

In the article Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-oriented Research Tool, written by Russell I. Haley (1968), the "heavy half" theory was given by the author, which points out that in most product categories, one-half of the consumers account for around 80% of the consumption. Which segmentation method is based on this theory?

In the article Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-oriented Research Tool, written by Russell I. Haley (1968), the "heavy half" theory was given by the author,...

What describes ethnography at best?

What describes ethnography at best?Answer: Ethnography comprises the study of behavior of a particular group in their cultural, social and symbolic...

In the article Using ethnography in strategic consumer research, written by Richard Elliott and Nick Jankel-Elliott (2003), the authors introduced five ethnographic methods. When used with other data-collection methods of ethnography, which method can expose important differences? (Hanna's comment: Though differences can probably be expected between using other methods as well, especially between self-report methods (e.g. interviews, regardless of level of formality) and observational methods (e.g. (non-)participant observation)

In the article Using ethnography in strategic consumer research, written by Richard Elliott and Nick Jankel-Elliott (2003), the authors introduced five...

The ethnographic methods include:

The ethnographic methods include:Answer: Non-participant and participant observation, formal and informal interviews, casual conversations, and informant...